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June 5, 2008
Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
City of Salem

Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 5, 2008
7:00 pm

Members in Attendance:  Jim Moskovis (Chair), Polly Wilbert (V. Chair), Lucy Corchado, Michael Coleman, Stan Franzeen, Ana Gordon (FSNA Alternate)
Members not in Attendance:  Mickey Northcutt, Patricia Zaido, Meg Twohey, Leslie Limon
City Staff:  Dennis King, Robert Precziewski, Jason Silva, Tom Watkins

The group introduced themselves and identified each neighborhood group they belong to.  

Motorcycle Awareness
Police Lt. Robert Pecziewski informed the group that Police Car 21 will concentrate on motorcycle noise on Friday nights in the Webb Street area.  He would first like to put out a press release on this so as to inform motorcyclists about the selective enforcement program in the hopes that they will abide by the City’s noise ordinance.  Jim stated that he would like the noise ordinance enforced on autos with loud speakers and radio systems so as to not target and single out just motor cyclists.  He said the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association is a well organized group.  The Lt. said that all autos and motorcyclists who are in violation of the noise ordinance will first receive a warning and will later be issued a fine for a repeat offense.  In addition to the press release, he will talk to the many motorcyclists who congregate at the Willows Park to inform them that the City will be proactively enforcing the noise ordinance.  

Stan said he will work to find some studies on the effects of motorcycle emissions to use as another approach to enforce the noise ordinance.  

Public Comment
Jim opened the meeting to public comment.  

Alicia hart stated that there are many motorcyclists in violation of the noise ordinance and the ordinance should be enforced.  She said there is especially a lot of volume and noise on the weekends.  

Another resident stated that there is a lot of noise from car stereos on Highland Avenue, especially coming from Lynn into Salem.  

Leslie Burns of Saunders Street would like an officer stationed at the foot of the Veterans Memorial Bridge on Bridge Street (an entrance corridor) to enforce the noise ordinance.  

Marcia Frasier of Winter Street also reported that the noise from motorcycles in bad on Bridge Street.  

The public comment period came to a close.  Jason had said that a decibel meter is not really needed to enforce the noise ordinance.  The police can use their own discretion when enforcing the ordinance.  Jim said that enforcing the ordinance should also be done during regular police details and not just during selective enforcement periods.  Jason said this item will remain on the agenda for future meetings.  

Michael had asked Dennis King of the Salem Police Department how they track down graffiti violators.  Dennis stated they take pictures of all graffiti vandalism and work with area police departments to track repeat offenders down.  At the moment, he has 11 vandals in court with a total of 150 charges.  The MBTA is a common target for vandals.  The MBTA has a policy not to operate vehicles with graffiti vandalism on them.  He asked that neighbor report to the Police right away if they see anything suspicious (kids with spray cans, backpacks, etc.).  

Polly asked if graffiti vandalism is more of an issue when schools are out.  Dennis said he does not think so and that graffiti is very consistent throughout the year.  Jason had mentioned that there is the Free Wall in Beverly where kids can legally spray paint.  He asked that if organized graffiti was effective.  While Dennis recognized that it does provide some sort of organization, he said the problem is that kids will tag on their way to and from the wall in other places throughout the City.  

Specific Neighborhood Issues  
Jim opened the meeting to the members of the Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council to discuss specific issues in their neighborhoods.  They are as follows:

Stan Franzeen, Historic Derby Street neighborhood Association
·       Speeding on Derby Street - Lt. Precziewski asked that neighbors call the Police Station right away if they see speeders in the area.  More tracked calls at the Police Station will help the Department when implementing their selective enforcement program.  Stan will notify his Association about this.
·       Curtis Street – many people are parking up on curbs on this narrow street making it hard for cars and emergency vehicles to drive through.  Lt. Precziewski asked that neighbors call this in immediately when it happens.  
·       Blaney Street Wharf – There are sometimes “unsavory” characters hanging out in this area when the Ferry gets out at night time.
·       Trash – Curbside trash on Derby Street needs to be better contained.  Jason will notify the Board of Health about this.  Poly said informational materials need to be distributed about how to properly dispose of curbside trash.

Lucy Corchado, Point Neighborhood Association
·       Loitering in Mary Jane and Palmer Cove ParksLucy would like to have more bike patrols and community policing in her neighborhood during the summer
·       Alleyways – Pedestrian cut-throughs between Peabody, Ward and Congress Streets.  Lucy and Jason will look into CBDG funding to purchase spotlights in these dark alleyways.  Jim also mentioned National Grid may be able to help out with new lighting for the area.  They had recently installed a light on Rawlins Street.  
·       Surveillance Cameras – Lucy would like to see if they can be installed on Congress and Palmer Streets.  Jason said he will look into this.  

Ana Gordon, Federal Street Neighborhood Association
·       Child Safety - Ana said a resident reported seeing a small child hanging out a 3rd floor window and people shouting obscenities within this same building.  Dennis said people need to call the Police immediately.  
·       Traffic/Speeding Speeding on Federal and Essex Streets (between Boston and Summer Streets) continues to be a problem.  
·       Boston Street Boarding House – Since this house has re-opened it has attracted unruly people to this area.  

·       Dog Park – Lots of dogs running off-leash outside the park area.  Dennis said the CIU is down there a lot and will continue to work with the City’s Animal Control Officer, Don Famico, on reoccurring issues at the Dog Park.  Jason will also check on status and specifics of the Pooch Pass Program.  

Jim Moskovis, Gallows Hill/Ward 4 Neighborhood Group
·       Activity -  Drugs, skateboarding, and motor scooters in the Rawlins/Butler Street areas
·       Speeding Excessive speeding on Marlborough Road
·       Building Enforcement Illegal apartments

Polly Wilbert, South Salem Neighborhood Association
·       Cherry Street – Suspected car to car drug dealing on Cherry Street and on side of Hospital on Lafayette Street.  She will see if she can have another light installed in this area.  The CIU just sent a letter to property owners on Cherry Street.  

Rental Information Packet for New Tenants
Polly distributed her draft handout to the group.  She would like landlords to distribute this packet to new tenants.  The packet will serve as one stop shopping of City information for new tenants and residents.  The group made some recommendations to Polly for the handout.  When completed, this handout should be available at local Laundromats, City buildings, local businesses/organizations, the City website and the Landlord’s Association.  Polly will incorporate the group’s suggestions and bring back a finalized version to the next meeting.  

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm